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YouTube – Old Playlist Editor Vs. New Playlist Editor

Posted by on September 6, 2011

YouTube recently launched their revamped playlist editor and it’s getting a TON of negative feedback.  In addition to the typical complaints of people who just don’t like a new interface, there are a lot of posts about it actually not working correctly.  It’s difficult to delete items, add items and managing the order of large playlists is virtually impossible.  The drag and drop sorting is great for playlists of 4 to 5 videos, but for anything more than 10, it basically can’t be used.

I have over 500 videos on my YouTube channel and have around 20 playlists.  Most playlists have more than 15 videos.  I wasn’t a fan of the old list, but at least it worked.

For those that don’t like the new playlists, here are the instructions for getting the old playlist back.  This may only be a temporary fix though, YouTube could delete the old pages at any time, so use it while you can.

Go to the Edit Playlist page for any playlist in your channel.  From there you can get the YouTube Playlist ID that you will need to access the old editor for this playlist.
Once you are there, look at the URL in your address bar.

It will look like this:
1) The new style URL looks like this:

Where 123456789012345678 is the ID for your playlist.

Now copy and paste this into the address bar:

Again, make sure and replace the dummy playlist ID with your playlist ID.
This will bring up the old YouTube Playlist Editor.

Edit and save.  Good luck.  Enjoy this while you can, I’m sure they’ll delete this page at some point.

2 Responses to YouTube – Old Playlist Editor Vs. New Playlist Editor

  1. Iphone 5

    Saved as being a preferred, I truly like your web site!

  2. Tj.Wallas_

    Does not work anymore. Works for only a couple of my playlists right now. Returns error when I try it with the rest of my own playlists.

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